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Analyze an audio file

This endpoint kicks off an analysis job. It returns a job ID that can be used to check the status of the analysis job.

Start an Analysis

HTTP Method and URL



EITHER - file: The audio file to be analyzed. This is a local file that is uploaded to the server. OR - url: The URL of the audio file to be analyzed. This is a file that is accessible via a URL.

Name Type Description Required?
file file The audio file to be analyzed. This is a local file that is uploaded to the server. Required if url is not provided
url string The URL of the audio file to be analyzed. This is a file that is accessible via a URL. Required if file is not provided
model_name string The name of the model to use for analysis. Default is (large-v3) (can edit in config) Optional

Example Request

  "file": "path/to/audio/file",
  "model_name": "large-v3"
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"url": ""}'

Example Response

  "message":"Job enqueued"

Get Analysis Status

Get Analysis Status

This endpoint returns the status of an analysis job. It can be used to check the status of an analysis job, or to get the analysis results.

HTTP Method and URL



Name Type Description Required?
job_id string The job ID of the analysis job. Required

Example Request

curl -X GET

Example Response

  "meta": {
    "job_id": "e8017039-8a41-480e-b80f-3cb5233611a9",
    "job_type": "analyze",
    "message": "Downloading YouTube and converting to mp3",
    "progress": "downloading",
    "title": "Asking Questions in English | Question Structure | Fix Your Grammar Mistakes!"
  "status": "started"
(Note: The title field will only update once the video has been downloaded, if it is a YouTube video. Otherwise, it will be the audio file name.)

Final Analysis Results

A full response can be found at this pastebin link.

Here is a snippet of the response:

  "meta": {
        "job_id": "73f22806-d904-448f-ae84-650bf6f5aa6a",
        "job_type": "analyze",
        "message": "Analysis completed",
        "progress": "completed",
        "title": "The title of the video",
    "result": {
        "questions": [
                "question": "What is the title of the video?",
                "level": 1,
                "speaker": "Main Speaker",
                "start_time": 25034,
                "end_time": 26324,
                "question": "What is the video about?",
                "level": 1,
                "speaker": "Main Speaker",
                "start_time": 26324,
                "end_time": 27534,
        "summary": "One or two sentences summarizing the video",
        "transcript": [
                "speaker": "Main Speaker",
                "start_time": 0,
                "end_time": 1000,
                "text": "The first sentence of the transcript."
                "speaker": "Main Speaker",
                "start_time": 1000,
                "end_time": 2000,
                "text": "The second sentence of the transcript."
    "status": "finished",