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Developer quickstart

Please read the full developer doccumentation at the site.

Useful commands

Check services!!!

sudo systemctl status classifai
sudo systemctl status gemma
sudo supervisorctl status all

Restart services

sudo systemctl restart classifai
sudo systemctl restart gemma
sudo supervisorctl restart all

Read logs

sudo journalctl -u classifai
sudo journalctl -u gemma
sudo supervisorctl tail -5000 <procname> stderr
sudo supervisorctl tail -f <procname> stdout # to follow the logs in real time

View configuration files for services

sudo systemctl cat classifai
sudo systemctl cat gemma
less /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf

Start up a worker without supervisor:

# from classifAI-engine/
source PATH_TO_VENV/bin/activate # try venv-3.10
rq worker -c config.worker_config

General running commands

fuser -k 5000/tcp
- This command will kill the process running on port 5000. So, you can restart the server, assuming you are running the server on port 5000.

source PATH_TO_VENV/bin/activate
- This command will activate the virtual environment. Reminder, you can generate the virtual environment by running the following command:

python3 -m venv PATH_TO_VENV
pip install -r requirements.txt

Checking the process

sudo systemctl status classifai
sudo systemctl restart classifai
sudo journalctl -u classifai
- The first command will check the status of the classifai service. - The second command will restart the classifai service. - The third command will show the logs of the classifai service.

Run the Flask server without service

# from classifAI-engine/
sudo systemctl stop classifai # stop the service
source PATH_TO_VENV/bin/activate # try venv-3.10
python3 src/

Run the GEMMA server without service

# from gemma-classification-1
sudo systemctl stop gemma # stop the service
source PATH_TO_VENV/bin/activate # try .venv
# do other installation steps if needed (see gemma
python3 src/